Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Plan of Salvation Math is Flawed.

2/3 of god the father's children were sent to earth to gain a body and be tested.  Today, there are 7 billion of us on the earth.  If we live a good life, believe in jesus christ, get baptized, marry in the temple, and remain faithful, we can return to live with god.  Yet only 5 million or so fall into this category.  That puts the percentage at less than 0.071%.

Surely god didn't send his son jesus christ to suffer for the world population's sins only to recoup 0.071% of his children.  The Plan of Salvation math is flawed.  No wonder Utah County residents are elitists...

1 comment:

  1. It gets even more ridiculous when that 0.071% has to do all the proxy ordinance work not just for the living, but for nearly everyone who has ever lived since Adam. It almost entirely defeats the God's purpose of sending us to earth. God is either not very bright or somebody made it up (I lean strongly to the latter). The more you think about the Plan of Salvation the sillier it is.
