Monday, March 12, 2012

Modification of Reality Reveals an Insecurity

When a person or organization modifies reality, it reveals a deep-held insecurity.  When I first saw the artist's rendition of the new Provo temple, my initial reaction was "Where's the NuSkin building?"  Now, I know it's just a rendition and the new temple is being shown in its best light.  But the reality is that the NuSkin buidling in downtown Provo is massive.  It's imposing.  It literally casts a shadow on all of the buildings along Center Street.  Moreover, the parking structure that's under construction on the southwest corner of the block adjacent to the temple is taller than the tabernacle/temple by itself.

Ironically, the executives (and minions) at NuSkin undoubtedly contributed collectively much more tithing than is required for the construction of the new temple.  Wouldn't it be an appropriate homage to NuSkin to at least include their sleek building in the temple pictures?  Wouldn't it be appropriate to call it the NuSkin Temple instead of the Provo Temple?  There's already a Provo temple in place, a hideously designed birthday cake of a temple at that.  At the very least, NuSkin lotion samples should be available in temple locker rooms.

So, my point is that the LDS church is embarrassed by the multi-level marketing aspects of NuSkin and Tahitian Noni and Mona Vie and all the others.  Mormons sell that shite to each other non-stop.  It should be, and appears truly to be, an insecurity of the church and its members/constituents. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mind Control is Subtle and Perpetual

Mind control is difficult to acknowledge and reject mostly because it's so subtle.  We're taught by our parents, our extended family, and our church leaders how to act and think.  We're reminded of consequences for not acting or thinking the way our elders teach us.  We fall in line and we obey.  Our mind is subtly yet continuously massaged into thinking in an unnatural fashion.  We are changed.

As we grow older, we defend our thoughts and beliefs and further cling to our standards as not only relative truth but the absolute truth...the truth of God.  God wants us to do this.  God wants us to do that.  God wants us to act this way to avoid ending up like "those people".  And it's crucial, that as adults, we teach our children or nephews or nieces or grandchilren the absolute truth.  That child's soul is dependent on our action.

So, innocently, we pass on the mind control matters to our children and relatives.  We pass along sage advice and wisdom, tell compelling eye-widening stories, and we warn of dire consequences.  The mind control perpetuates from one generation to the next.

Yet, whether you're a Hamas bomber or a Mormon bummer, the reality is that you're simply passing along the traditions and unverifiable beliefs of your local community.  It's not an absolute truth, it's a local custom.  Unfortunately, it's difficult to kick against the pricks, as it were, and fight the current of the masses.  It's simpler to simply lie back and enjoy the ride.

Which one are you?  Are you a fighter or a floater?  Do you see the emperor's clothes or not?  Push through the mind control and determine whether the truths that you hold as absolute aren't simply erroneous teachings of well-meaning elders.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Plan of Salvation Math is Flawed.

2/3 of god the father's children were sent to earth to gain a body and be tested.  Today, there are 7 billion of us on the earth.  If we live a good life, believe in jesus christ, get baptized, marry in the temple, and remain faithful, we can return to live with god.  Yet only 5 million or so fall into this category.  That puts the percentage at less than 0.071%.

Surely god didn't send his son jesus christ to suffer for the world population's sins only to recoup 0.071% of his children.  The Plan of Salvation math is flawed.  No wonder Utah County residents are elitists...