Sunday, March 24, 2013

God wants us to be mormon just like he wants us to eat porterhouse steaks as vegetarians.

In a previous post, I showed that 0.071% of all individuals alive on the earth today will make it back to the presence of god ... if the Mormons have it right.  That is, only 5 million active LDS members on today's earth population of 7 billion have a chance.

How can that be?  How is it that the Plan of Salvation has every single one of us (well, 2/3 of us) coming to this earth to gain bodies and be tested, but only 0.071% return?  Seems like God wants 99.929% of us to NOT follow his teachings.

Saying God wants us to be Mormon with 99.929% failing is like saying God wants us to be a vegetarian and feeding us a 16 ounce porterhouse steak with a spritz of parsley.  It's 0.071% vegetables.  Good enough?